Payment Procedure
Crossed Cheque(s)
Please make the cheque payable to “The Community Chest of Hong Kong”
Bank Deposit
Donations can be deposited at one of the following banks.
- Citi bank: 391-1-008260-008
- Bank of China (Hong Kong): 031-349-0-024366-6
- The Bank of East Asia, Limited: 015-514-40-14184-4
- Hang Seng Bank: 280-157553-001
Please forward the registration form or sponsor form (if applicable) with the true copies of bank-in-slips to the Chest Office or through your team co-ordinator. Please keep photocopies of all forms and bank-in-slips for verification purpose.
Straight Donation
Deadline for Payment 24 April 2020
No refund will be made for participant withdrawn or event cancellation due to inclement weather.
Donation receipts will be sent to participant/organisation for distribution to sponsors who donate HK$100 or above.