嘉賓隊將於活動當日享有專屬新興運動體驗如板網球、匹克球、棍網球等,公益金將會提供有關資料、名額及報名表格予有興趣參與的機構。名額有限,報名以先到先得方式處理,公益金將會通知 貴機構確實運動體驗之時段及名額,最終安排以大會決定為準。
VIP teams can enjoy exclusive newly emerged sports experiences on the event day e.g. padel, pickleball, lacrosse, etc. The Chest will provide experience details, quota and application form to the interested teams. Limited quota, enrolment is on a first-come-first-served basis. The Chest will confirm the exact experience time slot and quota with each team, which is subject to the Organiser's final decision.