2025公益金新界區百萬行 - 西沙GO PARK
The Community Chest New Territories Walk for Millions 2025 - GO PARK Sai Sha

團體報名回條 Organisation Reply Form
Limited quota, enrolment is on a first-come-first-served basis.

截止日期: 2025年1月8日(星期三)
Deadline: Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Yes, our organisation will participate in The Community Chest New Territories Walk on Sunday, 16 February 2025.


Organisation’s Information
Organisation's Address

機 構 / 部 門 負 責 人
Head of Organisation / Department

活 動 聯 絡 人
Event Coordinator

索 取 宣 傳 物 資
Request for Promotional Materials
到 場 時 段
Arrival Time
Walk Passes of arrival time from 8 am to 8:45 am will be given to the 2 VIP leaders and 15 team representatives of each VIP team to attend the Starting Ceremony.

Walk Passes of arrival time from 8:45 am to 3:45 pm will be given to other participants not attending the Starting Ceremony#.

#公益金將於2025年1月24日(星期五)或之前通知 貴機構確實到場時段,最終安排以大會決定為準。
#The Community Chest will confirm with each team of the exact arrival time on or before Friday, 24 January 2025, which is subject to the Organiser's final decision.
交 通 安 排
Transport Arrangement
  • 所有參加者必須乘搭大會安排的接駁巴士或乘搭公共交通工具前往及離開活動場地。
    All participants must take event shuttle bus or public transport to arrive and leave the event venue.

  • 請留意活動場地內不設泊車或上落客區,私家車、的士及其他車輛不能進入活動場地。為免阻塞交通,敬請所有參加者遵循大會之交通安排。
    Please note that there is no parking nor pick-up/drop-off area inside the event venue. Private car, taxi and other vehicles are not allowed to enter the event venue. To avoid traffic obstruction, all participants have to abide by the event’s transport arrangement.

  • 公益金將會提供大會接駁巴士詳情及公共交通資訊予 貴機構。
    The Community Chest will further provide event shuttle bus details and public transport information.

新 興 運 動 體 驗
Newly Emerged Sports Experiences
嘉賓隊將於活動當日享有專屬新興運動體驗如板網球、匹克球、棍網球等,公益金將會提供有關資料、名額及報名表格予有興趣參與的機構。名額有限,報名以先到先得方式處理,公益金將會通知 貴機構確實運動體驗之時段及名額,最終安排以大會決定為準。
VIP teams can enjoy exclusive newly emerged sports experiences on the event day e.g. padel, pickleball, lacrosse, etc. The Chest will provide experience details, quota and application form to the interested teams. Limited quota, enrolment is on a first-come-first-served basis. The Chest will confirm the exact experience time slot and quota with each team, which is subject to the Organiser's final decision.

備註 Remarks