2024 年 度 公 益 金 賣 旗 日
The Community Chest Flag Day 2024

16 – 11 – 2024 (星期六) (Saturday)

報名表格 – 學校
Enrolment Form – School

截止報名日期 Enrolment Deadline :
25-09-2024 (星期三) (Wednesday)

參與方式 Participation
Our school will assign students to participate in “Street Flag Sale”.
名額有限,先到先得。Enrolment is on a first-come-first-served basis.

Number of flag sellers:
1)  敬希  貴校協助招募
義工參與賣旗 (同行之家長 / 監護人不須計算在內)。
Please help recruit
at least 20 volunteers
to join flag selling. (Parents / guardians who accompany the flag sellers excluded.)
2)  14歲以下的學生必須在家長 / 監護人陪同下參與賣旗。
Students aged under 14 must be accompanied by their parents / guardians.
3)  如不足20名義工,  貴校須派員工到公益金辦公室領取賣旗日所需物資。
Schools with less than 20 volunteers are required to pick up the necessary materials at the Chest office.

建議賣旗地區 (例如: 旺角)
Please indicate your preferred flag selling district(s) (e.g. Mong Kok):
公益金將盡量安排  貴校於建議地區賣旗。如該區賣旗人數太多,公益金將會安排  貴校於附近區域賣旗。
We will try to arrange your school to sell flags in your preferred district.  If there are too many flag sellers in your preferred district, nearby locations will be arranged.

Our school would like to receive event instructions in the following version:

備註: 賣旗所需物料將於11月14日(星期四)或之前送往  貴校。
Remarks: All necessary materials will be delivered to your school on or before Thursday, 14 November.

Our school will support “Gold Flag Sale” and assist in consolidating the donations.

備註: 專屬捐款二維碼等資料將於10月透過電郵發送至  貴校。
Remarks: A designated QR code for donations and other details will be sent to your school through Email in October.

學 校 資 料
School Information
聯 絡 人 資 料
Information of Contact Person


A mobile phone no. for emergency contact on the event day MUST be provided


請提供一個會定期檢查的有效電郵地址 Please provide a valid email address and check it regularly

校 長 資 料
Information of Principal
備註 Remarks