Terms and Conditions of The Community Chest of Hong Kong Dress Casual Day 2018 - Everybody #WEARIAM2018
- Each participant (Participant) for The Community Chest (the Chest) #WEARIAM2018 Campaign (The Event) can only make one photo submission.
- The Event will be held from 6 pm on 19 September 2018 to 6 pm on 15 October 2018.
- Participants must take a photo along the theme of “WEAR I AM”, and publish it onto their own Facebook or Instagram, with the hashtag of #weariam2018. All posts must be accessible to public.
- Photos submitted will be reviewed on a daily basis. Photos in-line with the theme and required standards will be posted onto our Dress Casual Day 2018 event website. Vulgarity, violence, commercial, political, and religious-influenced pieces will be excluded.
- All entries will be used solely for this event's promotional purposes. If you do not wish to have your photo uploaded onto the event website, please email dress@commchest.org.
- At the end of the event, the Chest will choose 220 best photos among the entries. 20 selected photos with the most impressive hashtags and match with the theme for this activity, will be given a HKD500 cash voucher for shoes sponsored by Skechers and the remaining 200 winners will receive a HKD200 cash voucher for shoes. Entries will be judged based on their aesthetic content and originality.
- All submissions must be original and cannot be previously published or used elsewhere (other platforms or competitions). Any form of infringement will result in disqualification without prior notice.
- If submission has violated Hong Kong legislation or the event’s Terms and Conditions, the Chest has the right to disqualify the participant and winners must forfeit their award. Participants would bear the full responsibility in any claims of copyright infringement, and the Chest will not be held responsible.
- Participants must ensure that they are the person inside the photo. Any breach of good faith or fraudulent use of third party information will be disqualified without prior notice.
- By submitting your photo to the Chest, all eligible participants are considered to have agreed and will abide by the Terms and Conditions of the Event.
- The Chest reserves the right to modify or delete any Event information plus Terms and Conditions without prior notice.
- The Chest reserves the final decision in deleting or cancelling any entry; participants shall have no objection.
- In cases of disputes, the Chest reserves the right of final decision on the interpretation of the Terms and Conditions.
- The Chest may refer to the participants’ names and contact information via social media platforms in the arrangement of prize giveaway.
- Winner announcement will be made on 19 October 2018 on this website. All winners please email the required information to dress@commchest.org for prizes collection arrangements on / before 26 October 2018 or they would be regard as forfeit